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Sheet Music catalog

Advanced, 3-5 minutes

Sheet Music cover for Head in the CloudsKyle Vanderburg - Head in the Clouds$15.00
Soprano Saxophone and Piano - 4:30

3-5 minutesAdvancedPianoSoloSoprano Saxophone
Sheet Music cover for JoyrideKyle Vanderburg - Joyride$10.00 to $17.50
Soprano Saxophone and Alto Saxophone - 5:00

3-5 minutesAdvancedAlto SaxophoneChamber MusicClarinetDuetSoprano Saxophone
Sheet Music cover for Pipe DreamsKyle Vanderburg - Pipe Dreams$10.00 to $75.00
Wind Ensemble - 4:00

3-5 minutesAdvancedAlto SaxophoneBandBaritone SaxophoneBass ClarinetBass TromboneBassoonClarinetConcert BandEuphoniumFluteHornOboePercussionPiccoloTenor SaxophoneTimpaniTromboneTrumpetTubaWind Ensemble
Sheet Music cover for Prayer of St. FrancisAustin Fitterer - Prayer of St. Francis$2.50 to $3.00
SATB Choir and Piano - 5:00

3-5 minutesAdvancedAltoBassChoirPianoSATB ChoirSopranoTenor
Sheet Music cover for ShindigKyle Vanderburg - Shindig$20.00 to $22.00
Horn Choir - 4:30

3-5 minutesAdvancedChamber MusicHornHorn Choir
Sheet Music cover for ThawKyle Vanderburg - Thaw$20.00
Clarinet Choir - 4:00

3-5 minutesAdvancedBass ClarinetChamber MusicClarinetClarinet Choir